Mount Trashmore Trails & Overlook Grand Opening
The Linn County Solid Waste Agency has rescheduled the grand opening of the Mount Trashmore trails to Thursday September 13th at Noon. They warn that event parking would could be limited, so it might be best to ride the trail from Sokol Park, or from another trail head to the event at 2250 A Street SW. The entrance is located next to the Cedar River trail, just past Sokol Park. Their website has great information about this event, and has a map of the three trails that will be opened for use. The access to these trails will vary daily depending on weather, trail conditions and landfill maintenance.
For more information, please visit:
Grant Wood Trail Open House Meeting - March 6th
Anderson Bogert is hosting a public open house to share details of the planned improvements design requested by Linn County Conservation to the Grant Wood Trail from Highway 13 east to Oxley Road. The open house will have no formal presentation. The meeting will be held on March 6th from 4:30 to 6:00pm at the Red Cedar Lodge, 1700 Big Bluestem Dr. in Marion (Located in Squaw Creek Park).
Here is a description of the improvements:
The project consists of improvements to the trail surface and adjacent drainage ditches throughout this 3 ¼ mile trail segment. The segment from Hwy 13 to Waldo’s Rock Park will be paved with concrete and will provide a connection to the park. The remaining segment easterly to Oxley Road will be have a limestone granular surface and a wider turf shoulder along the north side. The elevation of the trail will be adjusted to allow for side ditches to promote adequate drainage flow. Construction is scheduled for the latter half of 2018. After construction,some of the open areas will be reseeded with a prairie mix and trees will be planted.
Cross-Country Skiing Trails
With the fresh snow that we've had, it would be good to remind everyone about the trails that are groomed in Linn County for cross-country skiing for when the next powder falls. The trails groomed for skiing include the Sac & Fox, Morgan Creek park, Wickiup park, Matsell Bridge park, Pinicon Ridge, and Squaw Creek. There are also groomed cross-country trails at the Twin Pines, Ellis, and Jones golf courses too.
As a courtesy to the cross-country skiers out there, please avoid walking in or riding bikes in the tracks used by skiers, this can really make a big difference for them.
CVNT Seal Coating this week (6/5/2017)
Linn County Conservation has let us know that the Cedar Valley Nature Trail from Boyson Road North to Robbins is closed today (6/5) and possibly tomorrow for seal coating the asphalt surface. The CVNT from Shultz Road to Iowa Street is scheduled to be seal coated on Wednesday, so it will be closed during that application.
Please let the crews complete their work and do not cross any barricades you encounter on the trail.
CVNT Paving in Center Point
The concrete paving of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail within the town of Center Point has been scheduled to start on Monday, April 3rd, weather permitting. This section of trail will be paved with concrete, and extends through town and ends at the Apple Creek Bridge. The bridge over West Blue Creek (NW of Center Point on the CVNT) is still under construction as well, and the contractor hopes to start paving the bridge deck, but it's also contingent on the weather outlook.
West Blue Creek Bridge Construction Pictures
Linn County Conservation is in the process of replacing the bridge across West Blue Creek, just north of Center Point on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. They have shared some construction pictures with us. At our last board meeting they mentioned that the favorable weather is helping keep the project on schedule.
CVNT Paving Update

Bike to Work Week 2016
Bike to work week is next week! Please see the posters attached to this post for the full schedule of events in Cedar Rapids and Marion.
LCTA Board Meeting Location and Time Change
The Linn County Trails Association has decided to move our board meetings and have also decided on a new meeting time.
Cedar Rapids Water Administration Building
1111 Shaver Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Attendees should use the gated entrance between the trees.
Time: The second Monday of each month at 6:00PM
Please update your calendars!
No July LCTA Board Meeting
LCTA will not hold our normal board meeting this month on the second Monday of the month. We will reconvene on August 10th at 7:00pm.
Enjoy the trails!