LCTA Capital Campaign
The Capital Campaign reached the $300,000 goal in December 2022! Thanks to more than 400 individuals and 30+ businesses and foundations that gave funds to make this happen!
LCTA’s Past Financial Support for Trails:

From securing the right-of-way for the Grant Wood Trail when the railroad was abandoned, to making more than $300,000 in continued investments in the corridor, LCTA has a long history of supporting the Grant Wood Trail. By investing $100,000 in the next phase of trail development, LCTA’s support will help to fill the trail’s first “missing link.”
Money raised will support Linn County’s efforts to build an off-street trail connecting between Oxley Road and Creekside Road and to extend the trail’s hard surface from Waldo’s Rock Park to Paralta Road.

The 4th Street Trail will extend the Cedar Valley Nature Trail from where it stops at 7th Avenue in downtown Cedar Rapids to the future Alliant Energy LightLine™ bridge over the Cedar River. The next phase of the project in the planning stage starts at 9th Avenue SE near the railroad tracks and continues south.
By investing $100,000 in this project, LCTA’s support could accelerate this project by a manner of several years. The trail will connect a key missing link in the downtown trails system, and provide improved navigation for the American Discover Trail and Great American Rail-Trail through downtown Cedar Rapids.

Marion’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee has identified the Lucore Road Bridge over Indian Creek project as a key safety upgrade for trail users in the growing community’s northeast. In its current state, Lucore Road trail users must leave the trail and enter a busy roadway to cross over Indian Creek. When Lucore Road was first built, funds were never set aside for a pedestrian trail bridge. As Marion continues to grow, this trail’s increased use has made this project an urgent need.
By investing $100,000 in this project, LCTA’s support can help improve safety for trail users in this area and improve connections to the existing and future trail network in Marion.
LCTA has leveraged financial gifts to accelerate trails projects, provide important match funds to secure grants, and work with local jurisdictions to prioritize the development of a system of connected trails in Linn County.