Lindale Trail is now open
The Cedar Rapids segment of the Lindale Trail is now paved. The Trail is open! This trail is unique in the Metro area in that it includes 3 ft gravel paths on either side of the 10 ft asphalt pavement. We hope this accommodates both runners and bikers. Bike traffic significantly increases when a trail is paved but runners strongly prefer a gravel path. We would like to know if this should be a design standard for future trail construction when sufficient width allows.
Linn County Trails Association (LCTA) initiated the Lindale Trail project 3 years ago when Tom Treharne, Marion Planning & Development Director, suggested that we adopt the project to continue the trail in Marion that extended to the Marion City Limit on an abandoned railroad right-of-way. LCTA has contributed over $55,000 to the development, including a $15,000 contribution from Rockwell Collins. The City of Cedar Rapids has contributed the crushed limestone, the crews and equipment to grade and pave the trail and $16,000 towards the cost of asphalt. THIS WAS A TEAM EFFORT AND WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IF ALL PARTIES HAD NOT CONTRIBUTED!
Projects like this are funded by the LCTA supporters that make annual contributions to LCTA for trail development in the Linn County Area. Please add your support. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE TRAILS HAPPEN!
Lindale Trail is located north of Blairs Ferry Rd extending east from C Ave NE (in front of Walgreens).
Lindale Trail Paving
The Cedar Rapids portion of the Lindale Trail is in the process of being paved! Work should be finished by Tuesday (10/15), so please use caution if you plan to use this trail before then. Please check the trails status page for the latest updates on all Linn County Trails.
Upcoming Cedar Valley Nature Trail Repairs
A contractor will be starting repair work on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail on Tuesday, August 13. The repairs will require temporary closures of the trail from Robins Road to County Home Road. Current plans are to start work on Tuesday, August 13 and complete repairs by Friday, August 16. The contractor will attempt to reopen the trail segments as work is completed. There is a possibility that the contractor be able to open the trail some evenings while work is in progress, but opening will depend on getting the trail in a safe condition for public use. Trail users should plan on this section of the trail being closed most of next week. Access to the trail north from the County Home Road parking area will remain available.
The trail will be closed at the Interstate 380 underpass north of Center Point for approximately two months starting Monday, August 19. Linn County Conservation crews will be rebuilding a trail crossing at this location which will also require the trail surface to be reconstructed in this location. We will reopen the trail as soon as possible, but it appears likely the trail will remain closed through September.
Later in the month a sealant will be applied to various segments of the trail that will also require temporary closures until the sealant is dry. Currently this work is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29. We will update you if these dates change.
Trail Ride Video: Hiawatha to Lafayette
Thanks again to Paul Jenkins for this neat video showing the trail from Hiawatha to Lafayette along the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. Thanks again for sharing Paul!
Pass With Care

By: Mindy Seiffert, LCTA Board Member
Five weeks ago, on the first beautiful day of spring, I broke my right collarbone in a bicycle accident on the Cedar River Trail-South.
Always Wear a Bike Helmet!
This was my first serious bike accident (after about 15 years of riding). I am relieved that all I had was a broken collarbone along with some bruising, scrapes, and soreness. On that day--like every day that I ride--I was wearing a helmet. And thank goodness! I landed on my helmet and my right-shoulder. I knew immediately that my collarbone was broken.
Luckily, the young man that I collided with was not injured. However, he was not wearing a helmet. Hopefully, this accident will be enough to make him start wearing one.
Pass with Care!
Teaching kids about trail safety is critical in order to create an enjoyable experience for all trail users. It is very important that children understand they should always ride their bikes on the right-hand side of the trail. Frequently, younger children do not understand the speed that others may be traveling at or even be aware that others may be coming towards them.
And just like on roads, there are certain times when you should NEVER pass on the trails. For example, if you are approaching a tunnel and can’t see if someone is coming out of the tunnel, you should stay in your own lane.
On the day of my accident, the young man I mentioned earlier went to pass some pedestrians as he was approaching the tunnel on the trail. I am confident he had no clue that someone was coming out of the tunnel. And unfortunately, that someone was me.
There was not enough time or space for me to react in order to avoid the situation completely but I did manage to slow down, avoid the pedestrians, and avoid injuring the other biker.
Be a Good Trail Citizen!
Thankfully, there was no shortage of good trail citizens on that day.
I would like to thank the very kind bikers who happened to be out on the trail that day. Numerous people stopped to see if they could assist and offered everything from phones to ibuprofen. Many of them even stayed and waited until my husband arrived to take me to the hospital.
Get Back Out There!
Until this happened, I hadn't realized how common broken collarbones are for cyclists. Apparently, I was lucky to make it as long as I did!
Today, my damaged bike is still leaning up against the wall in the garage (not that I could ride anyway). Soon, I will take it in to Hall Bicycle to get repaired. But in the meantime, I am still using the trail—now just as a walker instead of a biker.
Prairie Park Fishery Trail Construction Scheduled to Begin This Week
For more information, contact:
Daniel Gibbins
Parks Superintendent
City of Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation
Office: (319) 286-5760
April 17, 2013; 8:50 a.m.
Prairie Park Fishery Trail Construction Scheduled to Begin This Week
CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – April 17, 2013 – Construction of the trail connection from the Sac & Fox Trail to the Prairie Park Fishery Loop is scheduled to begin this week, weather permitting. The Prairie Park Fishery Loop is expected to be closed through June 1, 2013.
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Volunteers Needed!!!
Interested in volunteering with LCTA? We could use 10 volunteers to help with the Fairview Farm Trail Run & Walk on November 4 at Beverly Park. For more infomation about the event, visit the event website: The following volunteers are needed:
2 people at the registration area; time: 10:30am until noon
2 people at the finish line; time: 11:45am until 1:15pm
6 course monitors*; time: 11:30pm until 1:30pm;
*Course monitors need to have the ability to walk on trails for up to 1 mile, and return. Course monitors ensure runners stay on the routes and are along the trails for safety. They can also take photos if they like.
LAMBA folks will mark the course and also be on the trails during the event.
If you can help with this event, please contact Kari Lammer, [email protected].
Cedar Valley Trail Closure - Lafayette Rd to Schultz Rd
A portion of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail was closed from March through August for a paving project by the Linn County Conservation Department. Before the trail opened to the public, the newly paved surface started cracking. The trail was opened to the public, with notice that the trail would be closed again in order to repair the cracks.
As of Monday, October 15th, the Cedar Valley Nature Trail is closed again to repair the cracking from the paving project. The effected trail area is from Lafayette Rd to Schultz Rd (near Center Point). The expected closure is one week.
Cedar Valley Trail Updates
The bridge repair work on the Cedar Valley Trail is now complete and Bear Creek Bridge and Prairie Creek Bridge are open for use. However, a new project will begin on the trail and require closure at Benton County:
On Wednesday, September 19th, Miller Logging will be completing storm damage clean up on the trail. Miles 16-23 will be closed. The expected timeline is 2 weeks. Please watch for updates regarding the trail status.
Event on Trail
On Saturday, June 9th, a run/walk race will take place in downtown Cedar Rapids. Part of the route will be on the Cedar River Trail from the GreatAmerica Building to just past Sokol Park. The event organizers anticipate 700 runners/walkers on the trail from 9:30AM-11:00AM.
Questions for event organizers can be directed to [email protected].