LCTA Announces 2020–21 Capital Campaign Fundraiser
With trail use up around 60 percent nationwide, and about 50 percent locally according to our survey, trails have provided a welcome relief from today’s challenges. Trails connect us to natural resources — fields, streams, wetlands and woodlands. They also provide a fun, safe way to spend time with friends outside.
Perhaps this year more than ever we have been so fortunate to benefit from years of work to expand our growing trails system. It is our goal to continue to “Make Trails Happen.” We can’t do this without your financial assistance.
For many years, LCTA has conducted an annual Fall Fundraiser — a direct-mail campaign asking for additional contributions from its members. LCTA has given more than $1 million to local jurisdictions in support of trails development. We’ve put your gifts to our organization to great use.
There is no question our members have secured a continued bright future for trails development in Linn County. LCTA’s advocacy work also contributes to the safety and growth of our trails system. LCTA has leveraged your gifts to accelerate trails projects, provide important match funds to secure grants, and work with local jurisdictions to prioritize the development of a system of connected trails in Linn County.
Your generosity can help us continue to blaze new trails for years to come! Learn more and contribute to our 2020–21 Capital Campaign.